Spring Roof Care: Key Inspection Areas for Flat Roof Maintenance 

Seems like winter’s wrapping up ahead of schedule this year, and spring is nearly here! Now’s the ideal time to touch base with your flat roof maintenance team to schedule a thorough inspection of your commercial roof – ensuring it’s well-prepared for the snowmelt and rain showers that March and April will bring. 

By proactively scheduling an inspection, you’re investing in the long-term health of your property. Targeting the following three vulnerable areas, helps identify any potential issues early, preventing costly damages and ensuring your roof remains resilient throughout the changing seasons:  

  • Water drainage systems  
  • Roof surface and membrane  
  • Key sealant areas  

Your roof should be maintained at least twice a year, coinciding with changes in seasons and temperatures. Here’s a rundown of what ARC Contracting’s commercial crew looks for when they’re inspecting your roof.  

Roof Drainage Systems 

To prevent water backups, it’s important to have your roof’s drains clear of debris. Blockages can cause pooling and sitting Drain system clogged by fallen leaves, and other debris.water on the surface of the roof. As seen in the image below, the roof’s drain has collected sand, dirt, leaves and sticks which could get in the way of escaping water.  


Healthy gutters and downspouts  

The gutters and downspouts need to be checked to make sure there are no cracks along their seams. Cracked sealant around in gutters.Cracking can result from water that has accumulated and frozen, causing expansion and subsequent damage to seals. These cracks can lead to water leaks, rendering the gutters and downspouts ineffective. In preparation for the spring, the gutters and downspouts can be resealed so that no water escapes.   


Ponded Water 

Performing maintenance checks after the snow melts is a great method Pooling water on flat rooffor detecting any ponded water. Stagnant water can cause roof leaks and lower the lifetime of your roof. These puddles may indicate soft spots or wet insulation, which could signify larger underlying issues that require attention.  



Sitting debris can range from size and material. Usually, a roof willFlat roof with tires holding down tarp collect leaves, sticks and possibly some trash throughout a season. In some cases, roofs become a place to keep old HVAC appliances, broken downspouts or even tires and cinder blocks to hold down tarps. It’s crucial to promptly remove all debris and clutter to prevent further damage. Snow-covered debris or items dragged by draining water can scratch roofing materials and obstruct drains and gutters, leading to potential complications. 


Sealants and Adhesives  

ARC’s maintenance team will also inspect your roof’s membrane sealants and adhesives.metal termination on parapet wall The surface seams are very important to check and test, as it’s not always obvious if a seal or adhesive has failed. These openings in the sealant or membrane can cause leaks and internal damage to the roof structure and the ceiling.  


Metal terminations and wall flashings  

Similarly, flashing and metal terminations need to be checked for proper Sealant not holding rubber membrane togetheradhesion to the parapet walls. Any gaps that are not maintained or consistently sealed, can result in water dripping down the wall below, leading to mold growth, structural weaking, and other interior damages to the building. 


Schedule Your Roofing Maintenance 

A roof requires routine maintenance, much like a car. Just as you rotate your tires or schedule an oil change, it’s wise to you have your roof inspected periodically. ARC Contracting is eager to connect with you, understand your roofing needs, and ensure the longevity of your roof. Our team is ready to chat, give us a call for your flat roof maintenance.

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