Pick Quality Roofing Materials Like a Pro

When it is time to reroof their house, many homeowners are left in awe of the many types of roofing materials available for the home. The kind of roofing material homeowners purchase comes down to the type of home they have, their budget and their desire to “go green.” Whether a homeowner chooses traditional asphalt […]

The Pros & Cons of Installing Skylights

While skylights can be aesthetically appealing, are they really a good idea for your home? Before installing skylights, take a look at the pros and cons that are commonly seen with this roofing feature. Pros: Natural Light: One of the main benefits of installing a skylight is to bring natural light into your home. Skylights are […]

How Your Roof Affects Home Value

Will replacing a roof add value to a home? Short answer: Yes. Much better answer: Depends. “Adding value” is a politicking sort of phrase that stops well short of “making money.” Replacing a roof is usually smart; it is not always profitable. For instance … How the Replacement Roof Affects Home Value. Case Study 1: […]

Popular Roof Types

The main purpose of a home’s roof is to protect the inhabitants from the elements; to keep the outside out. But the roof also plays an important role in support, drainage, and the insulation of homes too. When designing a home, many may not put as much thought into the roof as other parts of […]

The Stages of a Roof Lifespan

Your home’s roof is a significant investment that you can expect to last for many years. Roofing materials are carefully manufactured to withstand most environmental stresses. However, extreme weather conditions and the level of maintenance you provide for your roof over time can have a significant effect on its longevity. Here is a general schedule […]

What’s In a Roofing Estimate?

Thinking about getting a new roof in 2015? One of the things that may be holding you back is the fear of the price tag that goes along with all of the shingles, underlayment, and contracting labor. A lot of times people don’t understand what all goes into the estimate. Let’s clear some of that […]

Renovation Resolutions for 2015

With 2015 just around the corner, everyone has personal and professional goals and New Year’s resolutions. Your home should have some resolutions as well. Make it a point to do some sort of home renovation project this coming year. Here are a couple of resolutions from ARC Contracting and how to achieve them. Cross something […]

4 Simple Steps In Roof Replacement

Did you know that when you work with ARC Contracting, roof replacement is as simple as four easy steps? Step 1: Free Inspection ARC Contracting believes in making a good first impression. We want to meet you and sit down to talk about your options without the pressure of a bill hanging over your head. […]